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What is the advantage of Integrative Therapy?

As an Integrative therapist, I believe your personality, life experiences, and the issues you face are unique to you. 


Using multiple approaches ensures therapy matches you all round.


Research shows when therapy matches you, it is more effective and twice as many people complete therapy.


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Main Aims

  •   achievable therapy that gives hope

  •   gives a deep understanding of the issue

  •   relief from overwhelming emotions

  •   feels validating and affirming

  •   provides a secure base where you can be at ease

  •   works to your strengths to build confidence

Why Integrative Therapy?
4 key points

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1. More perspectives

With more ways to approach therapy,

there are more opportunities to find change.

2. Matches how you're feeling

You may feel motivated for a challenge one day,

but another day just feel like venting and being heard. 

Work at your level and have sessions that feel productive every time.

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3. Always the best approach

Your issue may have many aspects to it - emotions, relationships,

thought patterns, past experiences, meaning in life, and others.

Rather than trying to cover all issues with one approach,

we can use the best suited approach for each issue.

4. Tailored to you

Using multiple approaches allows us to tailor therapy to you. 

When therapy is tailored to you, it is more effective and 

twice as many people complete it successfully.

My approaches

Person Centred

How would it feel to finally be understood from your point of view?


By feeling completely accepted in your most vulnerable moments, it can be profoundly freeing.


Is it exhausting keeping on top of your emotions? Do they feel unacceptable?


When your emotions are too strong or blocked out, we can't hear the valuable information they hold - they indicate your primary needs.


By regulating your emotions, we can hear and address your needs - then the grip they have on your life is released.


Do you keep facing the same issues, over and over?


Deep rooted feelings from your past can influence how you live your present life, often without you realising.


By understanding patterns in your life, including patterns in therapy, we can uncover your subconscious experiences, and discover new ways to approach life.


Uncertainty, choice, responsibility, death, freedom, isolation, and meaninglessness are all existential issues. They influence everything in life.


This approach helps you tolerate the anxiety of these issues, and work with them productively.

Self Psychology

As a child, did you feel understood and approved of? Did you feel like you belonged somewhere or had a role model?


Was it enough?


Our connection in therapy can be a corrective experience, giving you what you missed out on – an attentive and caring person that gets to your level and makes you feel important.


The latest research in Interpersonal Neurobiology informs all of my work.


This includes how to work with traumatic memories without them overwhelming you, and how to stimulate new neural connections in therapy to promote integration of all your brain systems. 

Book a free consultation

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Remote or face-to-face psychotherapy and counselling in Lancaster UK

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Integrative Therapy for Low Self-Esteem

I specialise in Low Self-Esteem.


Using Integrative Therapy means we can approach the cycle of Low Self-Esteem from many angles, giving more opportunities to break the cycle.


Click here to read about overcoming Low Self-Esteem.


Click here if you're wondering 'How does low self esteem affect your life?'

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